Cronenberg redoing The Fly

A couple of years ago TVC-director Todd Lincoln ("Hack/Slash") was tapped to write and direct a remake of the sci-fi classic "The Fly" for Fox Searchlight. The plan was to have the film before the cameras in late 2004, early 2005. For some reason or another, it didn't happen... maybe because secretly the studio always hoped David Cronenberg, helmer of the 1986 "Fly" (starring Jeff Goldblum as the winged nutter), would be involved in some capacity? It'd be a fair assumption considering the accolades and cabbage (it garnered somewhere in the vicinity of $40 million upon release) his version generated, right?

Guess what!? Cronenberg has signed on to develop a remake. True Story. Just read it in Variety.

A return to "The Fly" would also mark the latest in a mini-trend of directors remaking their own work. Michael Haneke last year remade his thriller "Funny Games" while Werner Herzog reimagined his doc "Little Dieter Learns to Fly" with the 2006 feature "Breaking Dawn."

Cronenberg's "The Fly" centered on Seth Brundle (Goldblum), an eccentric scientist who, after an experiment with teleportation goes awry, is transformed into a fly. Geena Davis starred as Goldblum's love interest and partner, Veronica.

If Lincoln had gotten his version of the grounded it would've been a different beast to the previous two "Fly" films - the Cronenberg, and the Vincent Price-starring original. The writer/director told Fangoria, "It was both a love letter to and a complete departure from Neumann and Cronenberg´s films. They already nailed the perfect versions of those stories. There is no good reason to do those approaches again. Our take had nothing to do with the Delambre family or Seth Brundle, and there are no telepods. This was a completely new story. The style and tone were a dark, smooth mixture of Val Lewton, Don Siegel and Roman Polanski. Someone still became a fly, but who, how, why they became a fly, what the creature looked like and what ultimately happened to it we conjured totally new scenarios for all those major elements. Last I heard, the people behind the people at the studio had changed their minds again and are leaning toward a straightforward remake."

Seems Lincoln's ears were telling the truth. Straight-up remake it is!


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