A.M. Awesome: Killer Centurion Comic Poster By Simon Bisley

As if Neil Marshall's upcoming epic Centurion didn’t already look bad ass enough, Lobo artist Simon Bisley put together this busty and rippling comic poster for you to feast your eyes on. Magnolia commissioned the artist to draw this up and he knocked it out of the park, making it even easier for us nerds to imagine Olga Kurylenko with great heaving breasts.

Comic fans don't get your hopes up though: this is merely a poster and not a precursor to a new comic series from Bisley. Sorry to disappoint.

Start your day of right by checking out the image below then hitting up your VOD provider and ordering Centurion, about Roman soldier battling native tribes in northern England in the first century. Seriously, can this film get any more bad ass?


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