Futuristic prototype helicopter promises to be world's fastest

Even if you have never heard of helicopters, you might know the name Sikorsky. They have been making helicopters like Boeing makes planes.

This is the Sikorsky X2, which is already the fastest helicopter in the world. In 1986, the rotorcraft speed record was 249 miles per hour, and the X2 has already surpassed it at 258 mph.

As you can tell from the picture, it has two rotating blades on the top, and I presume that they rotate in opposite directions for stability. I believe that the six-bladed prop on the back is also there for stability as well. I think it is interesting that the blade on the back faces away from the cockpit instead of to the side. I don’t think I’ve seen a helicopter designed like that before, but I’m not exactly a chopper expert.

When the X2 is completed, it should be cruising at 285 mph. The Apache attack chopper goes at a speed of 175, which makes this 110 mph faster.

So how long will it before these helicopters are mass-produced and fill up the sky? I don’t know, but I wouldn’t mind taking a nice 300 mph ride in one of them. I realize that is about 50 mph less than its projected top speed, but just wait. I’m sure their goal is 350 mph soon.


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