AICN is pedaling a new rumor in which they claim Jackie Earle Haley is in the running to play Sinestro in the film. They’re not saying he has it, merely that he’s at the top of Green Lantern director Martin Campbell’s list of actors he’d like to play the character. That doesn’t mean they’ll offer the part to him it doesn’t even mean Haley wants it. It just means that somewhere out there Martin Campbell is sitting in a room and saying to himself, “hey I like that Haley guy.” So far the only person cast in the movie is their lead. Ryan Reynolds is playing Hal Jordan as The Green Lantern.
So who is this Sinestro character? He is of course, Green Lantern’s equal and opposite because, that seems to be the only idea any of these comic books have. He has all the same powers as Lantern, except his are yellow. Also he’s an alien and in the comics was at one time Hal Jordan’s mentor. Man, Mr. Glass really had this comic book villain/superhero dynamic down pat, didn’t he? Come on comic books, surprise me once in awhile. Somebody dump this repetitive formula.