But flash is one thing Salt never lacks for. Its breathless cat-and-mouse game hits full-throttle almost from the outset, when a former KGB officer named Orlov (Daniel Olbrychski) stumbles into a CIA interrogation room and begins spilling details of a vast conspiracy. Back in the ‘70s, hardline elements of the Soviet regime launched an ambitious new front in the Cold War, flooding the western world with orphans trained to infiltrate the security complexes of their adopted homelands and wait patiently — decades, if necessary — for the order to initiate a series of assassinations intended to trigger a devastating nuclear clash between the superpowers, from which the treacherous Reds would emerge triumphant.
The Soviet Union may have long ago collapsed (or did it? Hmmm...), but its army of brainwashed killer orphan spies remains in place, and if this crazy Orlov fellow is to be believed, they stand poised to reignite the Cold War. It’s a preposterous — even idiotic — scheme, but no more so than any of our government’s various harebrained proposals to kill Castro back in the ‘60s. As such, the CIA treats it with grave seriousness, even the part that that pegs Salt, who just happens to be a Russian-born orphan herself, as a key player in the conspiracy.
Salt bristles at the accusation, but, suspecting a set-up, she opts to flee rather than face interrogation from her bosses Winter (Liev Schreiber) and Peabody (Chiwetel Ejiofor). A former field agent, she’s been confined to a desk job since a clandestine operation in North Korea went south, leaving her with a nasty shiner and a rather unremarkable German boyfriend (now her unremarkable German husband). She’s clearly kept up her training during while cubicle-bound, however, and in a blaze of resourceful thinking and devastating Parkour Fu, she fends off a dozen or so agents of questionable competence and takes to the streets, where she sets about to clear her name and unravel the Commie orphan conspiracy before the authorities can catch up with her. That is, if she isn’t a part of the conspiracy.
The premise, which aims to resurrect Cold War tensions and graft them onto a modern-day spy thriller, is absurdly clever — and cleverly absurd. But Kurt Wimmer’s screenplay isn’t satisfied with the merely clever and absurd — it must be mind-blowing. Salt is one of those thrillers that ladles out its backstory slowly and in tiny portions, every once in a while dropping a revelatory bombshell that effectively blows the lid off everything that happened beforehand. No one is who they seem, and every action, every gesture, no matter how seemingly trivial, is imbued with some kind of grand significance. The effect of piling on one insane twist after another has the effect of gradually diluting the narrative. When anything is possible, nothing really matters.
But spy thrillers, by definition, trade in the preposterous, and the principal function of the summer blockbuster is to entertain. In that regard, Salt more than fulfills its charge. Noyce wisely keeps the story moving at pace that allows little time for asking uncomfortable questions or poking holes in the film’s frail plot. And he has an able partner in the infinitely versatile Jolie, who, having already exhibited formidable action-hero chops in Wanted and the Tomb Raider films, proves remarkably adept at the spy game as well.
It’s well-known that Jolie wasn’t the first choice to star in Salt, joining the project only after Tom Cruise dropped out, citing the story’s growing similarities to the Mission: Impossible films. But she’s more than just a capable replacement; she’s a welcome upgrade over Cruise, not least because she’s over a decade younger (and a few inches taller), than her predecessor. Should Brad Bird require a pinch-hitter for Ethan Hunt, he knows where to look.