Given her extraordinary physique, it’s understandable that men tend to gloss over Bianca Beauchamp’s more delicate features. For the record, this magnificent Montrealer’s eyes are hazel and they’re every bit as beautiful as her mouthwatering curves. And so is her flawless skin, which Bianca prefers to display sans cosmetics.

Bianca Beauchamp is fast on her way to becoming an industry legend. Already considered by many to be the world’s foremost fetish fashion model, this busty brunette has appeared in dozens of glossy magazines, including Bizarre, Heavy Rubber, Marquis, Nightlife, Penthouse, Playboy, Skin Two, and Whiplash. In fact, her succulent spreads in Hugh Hefner’s little periodical were so impressive that she was named one of the Top 20 Playboy models of 2005. Bianca has also been featured in her very own book, Fetish Sex Symbol, a 208-page erotic journey capturing her experiences in front of the camera and behind the scenes.
Despite her many accomplishments, Bianca is still driven by bigger and bolder ambitions. “It would be very nice to represent some cosmetic brand like L’Oreal, Dior and Revlon,” she says. “Or even better, to launch my own cosmetic brand or perfume.”