While she appears to fit the bill of fun-loving California girl quite nicely, Kim Kardashian spent the first four years of her 20s as a married woman. Her husband at the time was Damon Thomas, but after their split, she continued to date within the music industry through courtships with Nick Lachey, Nick Cannon and her partner in celebrity sex tape crime, Ray-J. In recent years, Kim Kardashian has developed a liking for athletes, having enjoyed a long-term relationship with Reggie Bush and an alleged fling with Cristiano Ronaldo before making the rounds with her current boyfriend, Miles Austin of the Dallas Cowboys.

Like her former BFF Paris Hilton, Kim Kardashian has gamely used money, sex and social status to her unique advantage. After initially being branded famous because her late lawyer father was a friend of O.J. Simpson -- not the ideal association for fame -- Kim Kardashian has developed her image as a socialite and reality TV star, while forging lucrative connections with both halves of her fan following. She's engaged the women through cosmetics and clothing ventures, and made her male admirers happy with something more blunt -- a sex tape.
A loyal style fashionista who models her look (and maybe a few curves) after Jennifer Lopez, Kim Kardashian isn't going to be an award-winning actress, but now that she's here, she really has no plans to go anywhere else. If anything, her ample curves won't get bigger, but her career just might, as her recent appearances on Dancing with the Stars, CSI: NY and America's Next Top Model would indicate. With no criminal black marks (like DUIs) on her pop culture record either, Kim Kardashian may have done it the rich and sexy way, but she has yet to abuse her fame in a blatantly wrong way -- sex tape be damned.